Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hurry Up And Wait!

We have finally hit the stage of planning that the days are starting to feel like weeks. Julie and I were telling Jack tonight that the initial visions of the trip began before Hank was even born! Now we are within striking distance of departure... It is really fun to listen to the boys attempt to explain what they think their favorite part of the trip will be. That is one of the most exciting aspects of "hurry up and wait" mode as we have thoughts about how this experience will unfold. Where will we be underwhelmed and where will we be overwhelmed?? Friends and family have been incredibly supportive and gracious while we begin to pack everything up for another round of storage. It is quite liberating to think that in a week or so we will leave the state of Maine with a car, cell phone, clothes, skis....that's all!  

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