Monday, February 13, 2012

Dew Tour

Yesterday morning we packed up and headed to the Dew Tour that my Uncle Kube works for - he got us VIP passes. We pulled up and the first thing I saw was the super pipe - it was huge. We jumped out of the car, got our passes and headed over to the Ski Slope Style. Bobby Brown was standing right next to us. We climbed up the stairs into the VIP tower to watch and saw a skier fly of the jumps, like a planes taking off. The guy did a double McTwist 540! I looked at G$, we both smiled and watched the next skier do a huge was crazy! The VIP passes got us into this front row spot that all of the riders families were in and we watched Louie Vito hit the super pipe doing crazy tricks. We were even on television because the competition was on NBC. On top of it all, we got to drink all of the hot chocolate and Mountain Dew we wanted to.  It was a really great day.

1 comment:

  1. Only Uncle Kube could make it happen! Everyone looks great including Kube. Wish we could have caught you on TV.
