Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hank The Tank

pre-race war paint

scoping out the competition
final pearls of wisdom

swim 75 yards

bike 2 miles

run 1 mile (uphill)

extra kick at the finish

sharing the spoils of victory!!

Before we left for our travels last year, I explained to Hank that even though we are visiting incredible areas throughout the country, he would experience every emotion possible. There would be days he would be happy, sad, bored, excited, overwhelmed etc... Today was one that was very clear on the spectrum of emotion, PRIDE!  A few days ago, Hank noticed there was a triathlon for kids in Bend to raise money for youth programs at a local athletic club. We let him sleep on it, as Tobias boys have typically been built for comfort, not speed.  He insisted that this was his time to shine and today he was up early ready for his first attempt at "swim, bike, run!" We were a bit alarmed when we showed up and a few of his competitors looked pretty serious, wearing triathlon tights and hoodies, while several of their parents seemed to be over almost going to blows with the race director. I felt like we were on the set of a Modern Family episode as some over-zealous dads were literally running along side their kids yelling at them to move faster.  Hank however, felt no pressure and took it all in stride keeping a fantastic attitude the entire event. In fact, he showed true grit as he finished the race with an amazing final kick! He was exhausted, but very happy to be done and was all smiles after quite an accomplishment.  Jay


  1. hank! your furry friend here, i'm so so so dog-gone proud of you! will you please o please take me for super duper long runs and swims when we get home? i'll lick you when you're tired. congrats!
    and to mommy- happy mothers day from your favorite hairy, not jack, it's me, meg! xoxo

  2. Congratulations Hank - great attitude and fortitude. Human compassion is your strong point and I'm proud of you.

    Julie, Happy Mother's Day.

  3. Well done Hank. Looks like you tore it up. Can't wait to hear about it live. By the way, your mom looks ridiculous in that last photo.

  4. What a great job. Looks like you were really moving. I think you can do whatever you choose to do. Very proud of your accomplishment.

  5. Wow Hank, that took a lot of HUTZPAH to enter a race in "Green" Oregon where they live for outdoor sports. What an event with a grueling triathalon for a great cause. The running pics remind me of Jesse Owens' stride taking on the world. He was my hero and I carried a signed card in my wallet for years. Look him up.
    I might have to get your autograph now! Very proud.
